Renee O'Connor stars as Gabrielle, a spirited young woman who idolizes Xena and recklessly follows the warrior princess in search of a more exciting life, in the new one-hour syndicated
series "Xena: Warrior Princess." O'Connor first came to the attention of executive producers Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi when an audition won her the role of the young Deianeira in their two-hour "Action Pack" adventure "Hercules and the Lost Kingdom." They were so impressed by her performance opposite "Hercules" star Kevin Sorbo, they signed her for a starring role in "Darkman II: The Return of Durant," a feature released on home video in July 1995.
Prior to "Darkman II," she co-starred with Ellen Burstyn and Sheryl Lee in the ABC-TV movie "Follow the River," portraying a young